Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How to fix America
I'm starting this topic now with a minimal short list, but will be revisiting it as time permits.
Please forgive that this is very much a work in progress. I hope that with revisions over time, this will eventually be of some use to somebody.
These items are not in any particular order, other then the order in which they come to mind. I'll start with The Big 3.
1. Justice
The linchpin of our future can be said to hang on this one word. Our very concept of justice is so completely at odds with what has actually happened in our name. We cannot tolerate this condition to exist.
Our world today, in America, is mesmerized by a propaganda machine way that learned from the masters, such as Stalin and Goebles, how to use the media to manipulate the masses.
- Bush and the Neocon gang must be put on trial for war crimes and murder. Yes, one trial will lead to another, and this will go on a long time, but as it progresses, so will our feeling that justice is finally being served. We cannot live, more less thrive, in a system without justice. The "news" made jokes about Neocon Cheney, calling him "Darth Vader" with grins. Imagine being on the receiving end of what he actually did? Please see yet another well written article on this subject We Should Not 'Move On' from Mass Murder. And Vincent Bugliosi's book on charging Bush with murder. Justice demands this trial. Where is the trial?
- we must make amends with the people in the Middle East and Asia who we have suffered so much at our hand. We possess knowledge that is potentially very valuable to them. We should share this knowledge with them, over the Internet, for free and forever.
- punish the criminals behind the greatest robbery in all of history: the so-called Wall Street Bailout and selling our economy down the tubes for their own enrichment
Justice means being true to the principles we stand for, and those principles don't have to come from any religious organization, but from our own innate senses of right and wrong. Justice is a function of society and the world around us, and changes over time as it learns. The problem that we have to correct is that it's (society has) learned some very wrong things. Some very big lies have been perpetrated - and are still being told.
For another view on justice, Google on "incarceration in America"
2. Truth vs the Propaganda machine
We've been lied to so much by our information supply (the so-called "mass media") that a list of the Big Lies alone would fill a volume.
If you Google on "who controls the media", you'll find a great deal of information that paints a frightening picture - unless you're a Zionist.
3. The American Way
"Truth, justice and the American way" is a refrain dating back at least to Superman comics. Years ago, we took it for granted that there was an American Way and it was the right way. Today, look around you and ask yourself if you feel this way now.
4. Congress does not represent America
Start with a Google on "AIPAC congress". See John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's book.
Think about the implications of people who do get into elected offices in this climate, and what they'll do with our power when they control it. (Witness the invasion of the Middle East for the prime # 1 example of just how far this power goes).
5. Freedom of religion
We need freedom FROM religion. Our Constitution mandates separation of church and state, and wisely so. But religion is a subtle thing that exists in the ether, even if it's name is never used.
From the beginning, America has always been largely Christian. But there is no one Christian religion, instead there are splinter groups, each with some difference from the others, and each claiming to be right.
Enter our information supply, whose editorial slant is controlled at the top by a handful of people, who get to make policy and decide what comprises "information" that matters to us, and then repeating that information countless times until it becomes part of our consciousness. It's been said some many times, it must be true, people think. Stalin, Mao and the Nazi's were good with propaganda, but these guys are a whole new generation who have learned from their teachers.
Christianity is represented in the "news" by the "evangelists", whose voices are always turned to when the subject comes up. The Catholic Church does have a spokesperson, the Pope, and he has taken positions on American foreign policies - not that you or I would know it because our "news" has virtually erased him. Similar treatment to body bags coming out of the Middle East. But we do get an earful on what some "evangelists" thinks.
Thomas Paine argued against religious institutions in "Age of Reason", from which the notion of separation of Church and State was born. The degree to which this separation is an illusion was a question then, and more so today with so much hanging in the balance. Behind the scenes in Washington today is an intense fight between Zionists and those who disagree with their rule and direction (Google "who runs American foreign policy").
6. The Election process
I don't vote. Why not? Because I have no interest in picking one of the puppets the powerful allow to get on stage, and letting myself be fooled into thinking this is what democracy looks like. Remember how Ron Paul was marginalized by the "news"? Witness the fate of someone who would have represented the interests of the American people, and the imposition of yet another lackey.
Our problem of finding and electing people who would truly represent and lead up is an easy one to solve nowadays, given the existence of the Internet and some very smart programmers.
We can remove money from the election process by using the Internet effectively.
We've been duped into thinking the richest people are also the wisest. They've never been able to see past their 5-year-plan noses, and they are in control of our long term future? Nyet! How foolish have we been! And now we're on the brink of some escalation of their war. How much longer do you think it will be before you yourself actually feel the impact, and perhaps the horror, of war? Whoa, you say, no war here! War only happens over there and on our TV.
Maybe a shooting war isn't the first war to be launched on us. Maybe it will be electronic, or maybe financial. In fact, if we consider the greatest heist of all time, the Wall Street Bailout, as an act of war upon us, that would be true.
But there are all kinds of war. There's war that employs terrorism, there's war that is traditional, with soldiers, tanks and planes, there's war with mercenaries such as Blackwater, and there's covert war with assassins and drones, and there's information war fought with propaganda.
Which of these wars affect you today, and which are likely to affect you tomorrow? How long will it go on?
In war, the real horror comes from the daily grind of it all. People are tolerant at first, then progressively less so, and eventually many will get to the point of not being able to stand it anymore. Remember the "war to end all wars"? That war helped to prove that there is no such thing as a war to end all wars, except perhaps the last one in which everyone dies.
An Internet based election process can work. I've got a design in my own mind for one, and this is one type of computer program that I truly wish someone else could destroy with something so much better. Regardless of the winner, the result will be the removal of money and turning our attention to putting people who truly represent us in office.
Look back over history and note some of the great people that shaped what's good about our world. Where are they today? Would you for even one second think to compare Bush to, say, George Washington or the great thinker Thomas Paine, in his day? Where are people of this caliber and mold today?
Why is this so damn important? The wars we're engaged in today are much bigger - and far more intractable - then we realize. Heck, we didn't even realize that at the beginning it was an invasion of the Middle East. It wasn't all about Afghanistan or Iraq in the first place, it was about the Middle East as a whole. Only from this point of view does the big picture of what actually happened come together. It also, in my view, what I call evil that made it happen.
It's the weapons at their disposal and their inclination to use them. Given the climate of fear and hatred they have fostered on our world, the direction is very clear: they will use those weapons, and unless we stop them, it's only a matter of time.
Who do we stop? Our information supply has to move to the Internet, with (here's our election process at work) elected overseers who insure the net remains open and
"neutral" and insures everyone (such as me) will have an equal presence. Give us this and our best people will rise to the surface. Bill Moyers, who unfortunately is soon to retire, is a perfect example of someone we can trust to represent us. Try to find someone even remotely like Bill Moyers in Congress - if you need more proof that we need to dump them all, there you have it.
A key feature of a replacement voting system would be how it develops the list of issues in the 1st place. Today we're told what the issues are by the "news" and "pollsters" et al, meaning the issues that are important to them, or framed by them. Instead we need to start with asking people what THEY think the issues are, and then work from that list.
Once we know what the issues that people actually care about, and they aren't spun, but laid bare, then we can match these issues to candidate positions, and eventually cull from the list of candidates those whose positions on the issues most closely match our own, or the majority of us, anyway.
A perfect example of an issue that has been spun until it looks like something else is the economy. Nowhere in the "news" are we told that the real root problems for our economy are that war, the debt it's cost us, and Wall Street's biggest theft of all time. Those 3 factors are our economic problem, but the spinsters have it framed differently, that's it's this or that or some other thing.
7. Honor
America isn't all about who can make the most money, it's about how we conduct ourselves.
The means justify the ends, not the other way around.
8. End the special relationship with Israel
Israel is no friend of America, more less a "special" friend. Israel's manipulation of American foreign policy has contributed mightily to America's biggest problem in a very long time: that war and Middle East policies that have many millions of people hating our guts.
Millions - a billion - people watched what happened in Gaza - for the latest atrocity - and they blame American complicity, because without it they reason that Israel wouldn't even exist. We're responsible for propping up what is a monster to them. Is it any wonder why they hate us?
I have no affinity with Zionist Israel, and if I ever did, it all went by the wayside with the attack on the Liberty. I think the average thinking person with some awareness of the facts feels the same. With our information supply subject to so much manipulation (puffing this and snuffing that that distorts discussions, Google "who controls the media"), and the lack of a common outlet, everyone thinks that everyone else thinks positively about Israel. It's not true. People are fed up with being robbed, and worse: misled.
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