Friday, March 19, 2010
My Fellow Americans, Tonight I'm Going to Talk Frankly About a Pesky Little Nation Called Israel ...
"My Fellow Americans, Tonight I'm Going to Talk Frankly About a Pesky Little Nation Called Israel ... " By Alexander Cockburn
Alexander Cockburn is a regular contributor to CounterPunch. He's one of a still small, but growing group of writers willing to take on Israel. It's to my great relief that people like Alexander are putting to words what I think, based on my own research and common sense, but cannot express as well.
In this article, Alexander talks about just how powerful AIPAC's influence is, and in the case of dealing with today's "crisis", he gives an account of historical examples on how other crisis's in the past were handled. Paints a bleak picture because if history is any guide, they'll get away with this one too.
I think that Israel is a failure and a giant thorn in America's side. We can live comfortably side by side, but the majority needs to rule, that's what democracy is all about, and the majority in America is Christian. And this majority is not "right wing" or so-called "evangelists", that's just a media-marketing invention, where the "news" is used to puff a few loud-mouths and make them appear to be speakers for Christianity.
What Alexander should look into, if he hasn't, is Zionist ownership, control and influence over what we call "news". To see the big picture of what's happened, it's necessary to look at how Washington, Wall Street and the "news" have been manipulated to give so much power to so few people.
Update I: I'll take this space to also mention that I've read Thomas Paine's Age of Reason and am very inclined to agree with his reasoning on God and organized religion.
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