Monday, May 24, 2010
Neocon wet dream
The Neocon rag, the Drudge Report, has a lead story at the moment entited "READY FOR WAR" that points to this MSNBC article.
Unless you've been under a rock for the last few years, you're well aware of the Neocon plan for establishing military authority in the ME, a plan that was intended to start with Iraq and spread it's way through all the hostile countries in the region, knocking one after the other of these enemy states down until Israel's position as Master of the area is established.
Didn't work out that way, and what we're up to now is after years and years, what can generously be called a stalemate, but much more arguably a losing proposition. The fact is, as some of us knew in the beginning, the crusade never had a chance. It's only been carried on this long because they have so much of our blood and money to throw at it, not to mention undying media allegiance and willingness to spin the story every way but truthfully.
Now, after years and years, they need a new plan. Let's make one thing very clear: they are not going to lose. This is the essential ingredient of the equation that we must come to terms with, if we're going to understand what's going on. They will not withdraw the American military from the ME in such a way as to weaken Israel, which effectively means they will not withdraw at all. To do so would leave Israel surrounded by it's enemies, and Israel would not allow our politicians to do that (to understand who is in charge of American foreign policy, start with Walt & Mersheimer's book).
But Iraq is a way lost cause. You'd have to dig to find it, but look into independent studies performed by the Pew organization, on Iraqi attitude towards America. But you don't really have to spend time studying this when all you have to do is imagine how you'd feel if foreign soldiers were in your streets killing your neighbors.
Afghanistan is another lost cause - at least for anyone who thinks we're there on a mission to change something. What it really is is a country sized parking lot for the troops getting out of Iraq but not leaving the area, while they wait for the next "incident" so they can get back into serious war mode.
Ah, North Korea!
By an amazing coincidence, North Korea just happens to be acting up around now, at a time when our military is all dressed up for a real war - and getting very tired of the fake "insurgency" (people resisting invasion) wars that have gone nowhere after years and years and countless deaths and untold destruction.
Do the Neocons (see their statement of principles) relish this opportunity? Of course! Nothing like a real man's war to get the military whipped up into a frenzy and shake the insurgency blues. Now they get to use their Big Guns, and once the Big Guns are in play, they can turn their attention back to the primary objective, the ME and the Next Big Bad Guy, Iran. This time, with the Big Guns out of the holster, they will get down to real business to finish the job they started.
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